Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Painting the outside of my house

So, I feel that red and red tones were a favourite of the old owners. I have spent countless hours stamping out all traces of this in my home, and outside of my home.
I had but a few pieces left as of late.
I took it upon myself to get out my paint brush.

Mostly this had great results :)

First up is the fence/gate.
Instead of building anything permanent here, after we took off the back deck we re-used parts of it to make a child and cat gate. It was The Red. now it is the same grey as our little back deck.

a work in progress

I have since painted the 4x4s as well. it looks so much better!

The last visible red was the ghastly wood landing in the front, and the sides of the concrete stairs. They are also now grey!

I didn't take before pics because i was so excited to cover it up!

The week prior, I had bought some green paint to paint the stairs. I had this bright idea last year to rip up the rotting green carpet here but it is glued down so hard that I was ruining the cement trying to get it off. Oh and there is terra cotta coloured tiles under here too. I can only imagine how slippery those were in winter. No wonder they covered that up!
Anyways... the carpet was shaggy and the cement showing through looked so awful. Now it is painted and while not perfect, from the street you can barely tell. This is getting built over anyways, so whatever. A $20 solution works for me!!

Next, I poured over Pintrest pics to figure out what colour to paint my back door. I wanted to incorporate the turquoise that is increasingly present back there. You can visit that board here.
I went with a colour called Beachside drive from Behr  and I tried it out on the awful, faded bandaid that is the trim and doors on the garage. I am not in love with it. While I really like the colour, I'm not sure it lends itself to the whole yardscape. It could just be that the faded, dirty, peeling white paint of the garage isn't a very good contrast :)


Unfortunately, the siding is some kind of weird board with a factory paint on it. We sprayed the sides with a power washer and painted the back and the garden side last summer. That paint is all peeling off and it looks awful. I got some Kilz primer to see if that will work, but I think we may just get vinyl siding and put it on over this.
The door and the side window remain the only things painted. it looks rather awful but it's been either too hot, too rainy, or we have been too busy, to finish. Maybe I will aim to get it done this week (ha ha).

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